Thursday, April 22, 2010

I should not be allowed to go thrifting

My shop has been reeeeaaallllly sllloooow for a couple of days (SUCK), so I did what I do when bored.... went thrift store shopping. Among the piles of discarded blenders, measuring spoons, and mis-matched circa 1982 country-chic plates, I found..........

.......are you ready.........?

Jimmy Carter and (I think) Gerald Ford coffee cups...... They are hideously beautiful.

I also got... ahem.....

I have no explanation for why I bought the pirhana other than I just really liked it.

::::I'm sorry:::::

Now HERE'S the exciting news..... Look what I'm getting this weekend!!!!

I'm getting a heck of a deal, especially since it runs perfectly. Trying to figure out a color to paint it. Any ideas?


  1. love your purchases! Sorry about your shop being slow, mine too, but it's giving me a little bit of time to start building up an inventory again which is good.

    As for the bike, I don't know, I love blue, so I like it the way it is, sorry, I'm no help there:)

  2. It's funny, because blue is my least favorite color, and I've owned 4 blue cars (including my very first one), my Moped is blue, and now my motorcycle is blue.

    Yeah, the shop thing - weird. Everything was slammed busy for weeks, and then BOOM - nothing. I'm sure it will pick up. It's the end of the month, which is hard for a lot of people. :-(

  3. Nice purchases. :O) I love everything!! I had a Honda Hawk 650 before children. I loved it. I started painting it racing green, but I only got the tank done, so I ended up with a two tone bike.

    I was thinking black - cuz you are The Morbid. Then again, on the safety side, you DO live in rain country, maybe you should do canary yellow for the best visibility!

  4. Ahhhh..... the similarities keep getting better and better! :-)

    I'm almost thinking lime green with black pinstriping. Loud and obnoxious - that's me.

  5. I love lime green! It is one of my favorite colors!!!!!

  6. yeah,it's joanna, wrong identity.... I'll go change it now....

  7. What about glittering Silver or Gunmetal color????

    Am I the only one to see Pentagram in the wheels??

  8. Yeah, I did the pentagram thing on purpose.

    Just kiddin', but I see it too!

    I've been out riding and riding and riding. It's sooooo fun, and I even got winked at by some guy.

    Chicks on bikes = sexy?

