Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What an insanely, beautiful, amazing day!!!

Miss Grey reviewed my products on her blog and I must say I was NOT expecting such an amazing review! I'm flabbergasted. Actually got a bit teary-eyed reading it (Shhhh...... don't tell anyone. I've got a reputation, ya know). To think that people like what I do *still* shocks me. To see that someone notices the love and attention I put into each and every product that leaves this house makes it all worth it.

I'm just..... wow.

I was also just approached with a wholesale inquiry from a company that I totally admire and respect.

I'm afraid to blink - I might miss some magic. :-)

Have an wonderful day!!!!!!!


  1. Congrats! It's a great review!

  2. I know, right??? I'm still in shock!!!

    Thank you. :-)

  3. Well get used to it! I'm sure you'll be getting lots more!

  4. Congrats on the review! Can't wait to try my lippies :)

  5. You deserve every bit of that review!

    Your day will come on The Soap Bar ... bwah haha ha haaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

    The magic has only just begun.

  6. Well, one can hope. :-)

    As of this afternoon, I'm officially a small business owner.

