Saturday, September 4, 2010

Update on shop reopening

Hi guys! Well, one more trip to the hospital later, and I was fitted with this super fly boot. Let me tell you, this thing has changed my life! My mobility is so much better. Still pain, still swelling that made even the nurse at the hospital cringe, but I'm moving SO much better..... I am getting all outstanding orders out this weekend, so I will be able to re-open the shop tomorrow. I'm flying out to get Bella on Monday, but we will be back early Wednesday and I'm going to begin work immediately. Back to normal. That's a VERY good thing.

Here's the Wonder Boot. Don't be jealous.


  1. This is awesome news - glad your foot is doing better and that you'll be on the move again!

  2. Movin and groovin! Look out world... I'm back!

  3. Are you on those little steps you broke your foot on??

  4. I'm glad you're doing better! Here is something I had to show you, as I knew you would appreciate it as much as I do!

  5. Uhhh - I WANT that. I want that NOW.

    Now that Bella's going to be home, my shop is up and running, and I'm healing, I'm hoping to get back to my old self - that means thrift MADNESS!!!

  6. I need you to write a new post. I come every day woman, and I am tired of seeing your damn leg!

  7. I guess I am THAT much of a Lysa junkie

