Thursday, April 28, 2011


I'm having a sale in the shop. Both Odditoria (which now resides @ TMTM) and The Morbid The Merrier perfumes are BUY 2 full size and get one FREE. A common question about this offer is "But what if I buy 4?" If you buy 4, you get 2 free. If you buy 6, you get 3 free. Yay!!!! So if you want to take advantage of the new spring scents, get thee to the shop and get them for free!

K. That's all. :-)


  1. Have I told you lately how much I love you :)

  2. Ahhhh, I wish. My tube supplier has made me mad for the last time, I"m afraid. There will be an announcement about that. :-( As soon as I get it straightened out, there WILL be a sale on lip balms and solids!!!
