Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's been a heck of a year. Un-be-lievable. I've never had such a tumultuous period of time, ever.


It looks like everything is back on track. I got a sweet little house and was able to reopen TMTM much more quickly than I originally thought possible. My house is VERY small, but you know what? It's mine. I never again want to experience having no home for my daughter and I. It's never happened before and I'm determined it will never happen again.

I am currently working night and day, day and night to catch up on these orders. When I lost my home, my outstanding orders numbered almost to 100. 100!!!!!!! For those of you waiting, I am sending an email to each and every person when their order ships. I dare say I'm nearly caught up now!!

I am stunned by the level of understanding and compassion from people. I thought it was going to be a huge mess, everyone would be mad at me, and I *really* thought I was going to lose TMTM for good. Thank god that didn't happen. This business is my life.

As far as Halloween, it is still happening - just late. I've designed labels and they're going to the printer today. I will post here as soon as I'm ready to list everything. I of course can't do it until I'm completely caught up. That would be suicide! ha ha

I could write so much more, but I need to get back to work!!!!

Thank you everyone for being so damn cool.

Love, Lysa


  1. I'm so glad everything is working out! You're awesome!

  2. I'm so glad you have a place! The size doesn't matter as long as it is some place you can call your own. I have an apartment, a little studio one, and it may be super small but it is my little spot in this city that I have made my home. That's the most important thing. Keep on keeping your spirits up, things always work out in the end!

  3. I'm so glad to hear that things are working out for you! Yay!

  4. SO good that you have a roof over your heads now! :)

  5. I received your etsy convo and just wanted to say that I don't mind the late shipment date. I'm glad you managed to pull yourself out of that unfortunate situation :3

  6. Great Lysa!

    Show us your new place!!!!
    A place under the sun is always a great place.

    I can't wait to read all the good news you'll offering very soon!

    : )

  7. I am so glad to hear that things are starting to look up :). You are a lovely and honest person. I know you're busy, but we all can't help but love your stuff! ♥
